Thursday, February 28, 2008

What I am learning in class...

Marta always has these really cool, almost-weekly posts about what she is learning in all of her classes, so here goes:

History of English Language: I'm learning about 5 new languages. Transcribing Old English, Proto Germanic, stuff like that into IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and MDE (Modern Day English). It's ridiculously hard. For instance... scinan [šinan], rune [runə], wealh [wæǝlx]

Africana Womanism: The 18 characteristics of an Africana Womanist! Including: male compatability, strong, nurturering, flexible role-playing, etc...

20th Century British Literature: That Zadie Smith is very creative. And all about eugenics, the Islam faith, and that the kid next to me thinks the homeless should be used for medical testing instead of mice.

Critical Theory: Jacques Lacan is crazy, and I don't understand him.

Teaching Language Arts: the importance of teaching grammar, how using blogs is now becoming a very practical and successful way to get students interested in writing, and pondering how music effects student writing. All very interesting stuff!

Behavior Management: not a darn thing...

Literary Synthesis (my field): that even though The Color Purple is a very wonderful novel to read, the students in my class still choose not to participate.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day Memory

Today is another snow day! Which means I'm working from home today instead of trudging through the snow all the way to JC. Unfortunately though, Mizzou still has class today. They have only canceled class like 4 times EVER for snow, one of which was last year. Here's a funny picture of that snow day:

How funny is this picture?! I'm not even sure what is going on. I think Phil and Erica tackled me, but I'm not sure. It makes me laugh...

Welp, happy snow day! Let's go sledding tonight!



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Best dream I've ever had...

I woke up this morning after the COOLEST dream I've had in my life. No, I'm not making this up. Though, it is almost that hard to believe! I had a dream that my family and I took a trip out to the country to see my brother and his wife and baby. (I guess they had moved out to a country house or something.) After being there for a while, I decided to go out and explore the area around where they lived. I'm not sure what happened next, (you know how dreams are) but the next thing I know I am wandering around Beyonce's House! Yes, Beyonce and her family lived in the country in a really neat old country house. I was expecting to see really ritzy things, as I'm sure Beyonce is loaded, but that's not what I found at all. Beyonce's house was decorated in old-fashioned country stuff. Just cute, nothing to special, or expensive, or even sexy-ish. (I figured Beyonce's house would be like one of those houses on MTV Cribs - you know, like a lip-shaped couch, and big murals of her face everywhere...) Anyway, I walked upstairs and found Beyonce's room. A big room with white walls, a big bed, with a turquoise quilt, and that was really about it. Beyonce came in to the room and we introduced ourselves. I told her how much I loved her and how much I had been wanting to meet her. I then told her about how impressed I was with her house and how glad I was she didn't flaunt her money around like crazy. Again, I'm not sure what happened next, but my dream ended with Beyonce and I sitting on her bed, hugging each other really tight, and both of us crying - tears running down our faces and everything... It was incredible and I really kind of feel like I really did meet Beyonce!



Friday, February 15, 2008

Great new album...

I got this album as a Valentine's Day present. It's terrific. John Legend, Live from Philadelphia, 19 tracks! Check it out!

My favorite tracks:

07-Save Room
08-Where is the Love (featuring Corinne Bailey Rae)
11-Slow Dance
14-PDS (Feel Like Makin' Love Medley)
16-Ordinary People

It's good...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Love Day!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day! It couldn't be anymore beautiful outside! Love on somebody today! I found this cute little print at Etsy!

Here are some really sweet lyrics to a song that Phil and I are going to have in our wedding, by an Irish band, The Pogues! Enjoy...

I just want to see you
When youre all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I cant escape
I love you till the end

I just want to tell you nothing
You dont want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why dont you just take me
Where Ive never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you till the end
I just want to be there
When were caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on its cloak
Im lost for words dont tell me
All I can say
I love you till the end

Love you...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

homeless around the city

I've been doing lots of research and looking into things around the city of columbia. Found out some interesting facts:

  • families make up 1/3 of people staying in Missouri homeless shelters
  • homeless children are nine times more likely to repeat a grade and four times more likely to drop out of school
  • children make up the largest percentage of people living in poverty
  • there are only 3 homeless shelters in Columbia
  • Columbia police kick the homeless out of downtown from early morning till 7 or 8 at night

Check out these websites:


Monday, February 11, 2008

If you haven't seen this...

In case you didn't know, I happen to know the epitimy of a talented and sexy woman. My love for Beyonce has been going on for several years. Tonight, I get to share that love with my roommates. We're watching this: the greatest performance you've ever seen, the Beyonce LIVE Experience DVD!



Thursday, February 7, 2008

A prayer for relief...

What is much harder to experience than personal heartbreak is the heartbreak of the person you love. When you are in a situation that has no happy ending or hurts a friend no matter what, your heart cries and breaks in half. I have seen this and watched this and seen a man falling to knees begging for mercy. And I am asking for that. I am asking for mercy. I have been praying for relief. For God to let up the rain. What always makes more sense to me is to love. Love unconditional. We are taught that. I have been given that. And so we are to live it out. I remember one night in Jamaica last summer when the reality of our broken world peirced through my heart. I was angry. I was alone. I was helpless. And all I wanted was a bit of relief, for someone to tell me that everything would be alright. About an hour later Phil came out and I told him everything on my heart. I told him what I wanted him to say. And he turned my face toward him, grabbed my arms, and said, "Lace, everything's not gonna be ok. But I will be here through it all." And although those words may sound trite, they are living proof of God's living reality in our lives right now. Whether we are befriending the homeless in Jamaica or the homeless in Columbia, there's no way to fight it out except through love. It will not be alright. The rain will keep pounding down. But the very best fight to fight is LOVE...

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18 - I need to believe this right now...

One Love,
