Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Good Life

Lots of people ask me "how's married life?", "how's it feel to be married?", "how are the newlyweds?"... Lots of people have asked me if I feel like a new or different person. Lots of people have asked me to pinpoint the biggest difference. First off, married life is great. I highly recommend it! I get to live with my best friend (sorry Erica), and there is nothing better than that! However, besides the few OBVIOUS differences, here are some things I've learned and encountered as a newlywed wife.

1.) For the first time in my life I am poor. This may sounds depressing, but it is teaching us a lot. We live in a tiny place. We have no air conditioning. We shop at Aldi's. We go to the laundromat. We play ladder golf instead of going to the movies. I'm sincerely glad we opted out of waiting till we had money to get married.

2.) Love and laughter really are food for the soul. There has not been a single day that has gone by that I haven't loved fully or laughed hard. When you live with someone as funny as Phil, it's hard not to crack up on a frequent basis. But, as one of my new favorite songs goes... "we got our love", and that is what will keep us alive.

3.) The "role" of a wife isn't so bad. I'm serious. I actually like to cook dinner every night. I like to make the house look nice for when Phil gets home from work. I like having to ask Phil to clean the toilet. :) I didn't know about the "role" and if it would fit me or not. Turns out, I'm quite the housewife, especially in my cute floweredy lime-green apron!

4.) Marriage makes you vulnerable. Living with someone 24/7, especially in the way of a spouse, you get a little exposed. Phil sees all my faults. He sees where I'm lazy, what I eat, what I do when no one's looking, how much time I spend with the Lord, etc. And when I'm upset or quiet or sad or whatever, I can't just keep it in. I have to tell him what's up. It's good for a marriage to be vulnerable. Really good.

5.) Sex is only a tiny part of the "becoming one". Becoming one is so much more! How he hangs his towels, where we leave our shoes, the way he likes to make cinnamon toast, how I like the pillows arranged, where we want to go for dinner.... I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Up until about a month ago, Phil and I did a lot of things in completely different ways. But now that we're married, we see those differences and we find a sweet little middle where the oneness is created! It's beautiful. That's why in a few years from now, we'll have similar sayings, manerisms, heck - we'll probably even start to look alike!

So there ya go... A few things I have learned in the past month!



Ross Christopher said...

something a professor told me-
she folded her towels into thirds and her husband folded them into halves. for several years she would refold every towel he folded. and then she realized thats its ok to have towels folded 2 different ways. and so she stopped refolding towels. and their marriage was better for it.
sounds like a weird story and its hard to sum up the meaning but i think you will see how it comes into play. and btw- ross folds in halves and i found in thirds and ross folds tshirts funny- sleeves out and not in... but i don't refold them (well most of the time!)

Ross Christopher said...

another quick note...if phil see's the things you do when no one is looking, then they're not things that no one see's you do..because phil saw you do them.

so suck on that!
